All You Need To Know About PDUs.

This article will answer most of your PDU-related questions to ensure that you are well prepared as you start your certification journey.

What are PDUs? 

According to PMI®, PDUs stands for Professional Development Units; which means they are the specific unit that is used to measure the quantity of your professional development as part of the CCR program - Continuing Certification Requirements; 1 PDU equals to one hour of learning or doing some related activities. By earning PDUs, PMI® ensure that your process of skills upgrading flows smoothly without any disturbance. PDUs are earned by applying, using, and increasing project management concepts. They are the evidence of your constant professional development.

How can I earn PDUs? 

As mentioned before, PDUs can be earned through the application of various project management knowledge fields. PMI®, however, has identified and categorized them into different groups. They also make mandated these categories as part of the Continuing Certification Requirements for maintaining PMI® credential. Also, you can keep the active status of your PMI® certificate by earning and reporting 60 PDUs in a three-year cycle.

When should I earn PDUs?

The answer is as soon as you get your PMI® unless you want to be in a stressful situation when you realize that the three-year-cycle is now over and little or no PDUs have been earned. The most effective way is to keep up your momentum and set time aside on your calendar to earn at least two PDUs a month.

How can I claim my PDUs? 

Simply reporting all your PDUs by logging into PMI® CCRS, go to your dashboard and select the tab “Report PDUs”. When the “Report PDUs” appear, remember to select the right category and answer all the necessary questions related to that PDU activity by PMI®. 

IMT-PM provides 60 PDU Bundle will help you earn 60 PDUs to renew your PMP®/PgMP®/PMI-ACP®/PMI-RMP® certificate. The convenience of studying anywhere at any time, at your own pace is an advantage. As soon as you complete any single course, you can claim PDUs immediately. No extra charge. No test. No exam. Certificate available. We have everything you need in one package. Register now to receive a 70% discount.

Find out more at:

IMT-PM - Global PMI R.E.P. #4760 offers various courses for PMP® Exam Preparation and PMP®/PgMP®/PfMP®/PMI-PBA®/PMI-ACP®/PMI-RMP®/PMI-SP® Renewal.
Our best sellers are:

  1. 60 PDU Bundle
  2. 50 PDU Bundle:
  3. 40 PDU Bundle:
  4. PMP Exam Preparation 35 PDU:®-exam-preparation-38
  5. PMP Exam Simulator:®-exam-simulator-full-40
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