Earn 60 PDUs in 10 ways - PMP® Renewal (Part 1)

Once a certified PMP®, you need to earn 60 PDUs throughout 3 years to maintain your certification. This article suggests 10 easy ways to earn 60 PDUs. These rewarding ways will be categorized into 2 main areas: Education and Giving Back following the two PDUs categories of PMI®.


In this category, you can report a minimum of 35 PDUs and a minimum of 60 PDUs with the following 5 ways:

1. Reading books, articles and whitepapers. You can read those materials of other PMPs or organizations with 1 hour of reading equal to 1 PDU.

2. Participating in formal discussions. You can join meetings and/or discussions in your organization to share knowledge between employees, across departments or project teams.

3. Engaging in self-directed e-learning. E-learning is more flexible for PMP® with a hectic schedule. There is a wide range of webinars, online courses and podcasts that suits your needs and demands. 

4. Joining in formal meetings. As a professional project manager, you can claim PDUs for attending meetings in an organization, a project team. Networking opportunities provided by PMI® or any third parties can be counted in this category.

5. Registering a training course. Online PMP® courses can be a desired approach as many courses are audio or video-based training which you can learn at your own pace anytime and anywhere. After these courses, you can claim PDUs immediately without any hidden fees. This saves you time, energy and it is a lot more budget-friendly than other methods. There are many bundles for you to choose from based on your demands – 60 PDU Bundle, 50 PDU Bundle and 40 PDU Bundle.

IMT-PM provides 60 PDU Bundle will help you earn 60 PDUs to renew your PMP®/PgMP®/PMI-ACP®/PMI-RMP® certificate. The convenience of studying anywhere at any time, at your own pace is an advantage. As soon as you complete any single course, you can claim PDUs immediately. No extra charge. No test. No exam. Certificate available. We have everything you need in one package. Register now to receive a 70% discount.

Find out more at: https://online.imt-pm.com/course/60-pdus-bundle-70

IMT-PM - Global PMI R.E.P. #4760 offers various courses for PMP® Exam Preparation and PMP®/PgMP®/PfMP®/PMI-PBA®/PMI-ACP®/PMI-RMP®/PMI-SP® Renewal.
Our best sellers are:

  1. 60 PDU Bundlehttps://online.imt-pm.com/course/60-pdus-bundle-70
  2. 50 PDU Bundle: https://online.imt-pm.com/course/50-pdus-bundle-75
  3. 40 PDU Bundle: https://online.imt-pm.com/course/40-pdus-bundle-87
  4. PMP Exam Preparation 35 PDU: https://online.imt-pm.com/course/pmp®-exam-preparation-38
  5. PMP Exam Simulator: https://online.imt-pm.com/course/pmp®-exam-simulator-full-40
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