How To Get 15 PDUs And Renew CAPM®?

Once you own a certificate from PMI®, you need to accumulate PDUs in order to renew to maintain the certificate.

There are 2 types of PDUs including Education PDUs and Giving Back PDUs. Each PMI® certificate will have different PDU requirements. To renew your CAPM® certification, you need to accumulate 15 PDUs in each 3-year cycle. This article will show you how to accumulate the required number of 15 PDUs to meet the Continuing Certificate Requirement (CCR).

CAPM® need to accumulate 15 PDUs in a 3-year cycle

If you hold a Certified Associate in Project Management Professional (CAPM)® certification, you are required to earn 15 PDUs in a 3-year cycle. These 30 PDUs are further subdivided as follows:

  • 9 Minimum Education PDUs
  • 6 Maximum Giving Back PDUs

Details are shown in the figure below:

Talent Triangle PDUs®

As you can see in the figure, Education PDUs are required. You need to earn a minimum of 9 Education PDUs.

As a certification holder, you must acquire a certain amount of PDUs in each of the PMI Talent Triangle® skill areas: technical, leadership, strategic, and business management. There is no limit to the amount of Education PDUs you can earn, so you can get all 15 PDUs in Education if you choose.

Skill Area Definition
Technical Knowledge, skills, and behaviors related to specific areas of project, program, and portfolio management. Technical aspects of performing your job/role.
Leadership Knowledge, skills, and behaviors related to the ability to guide, motivate, and/or direct others to achieve goals.
Strategic & Business Management

Industry/organizational expertise and knowledge, helping you align your team in ways that enhance performance and drive better business results.

Giving Back to the Profession

Giving Back PDUs is optional and you need to earn a maximum of 6 Giving Back PDUs. 

Sharing knowledge and actively using your talents is a vital method to contribute to the industry while also furthering your personal professional development. As a result, your actions in this area can earn you up to 6 PDUs.

Take a look at all the different ways you can earn PDUs. Even some ways that you might not have thought of before.

IMT-PM provides 15 PDUs Bundle to help you renew your CAPM® certification at the most affordable price. Also, you have one year to complete all the courses. As soon as you complete any single course, you can claim PDUs immediately. No extra charge. No test. No exam. Certificate available. We have everything you need in one package.

IMT-PM - PMI Authorized Training Partner (Premier tier) offers various courses for PMP®/PgMP®/PfMP®/PMI-PBA®/PMI-ACP®/PMI-RMP®/PMI-SP® Renewal.
Our best sellers are:

  1. 60 PDU Bundle
  2. 50 PDU Bundle:
  3. 40 PDU Bundle:
  4. 30 PDU to renew PMI-ACP®®-88
  5. 15 PDUs to Renew CAPM®:®-108
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