Start Earning PDUs Within Six Steps. (Part 1)

If you do not earn the required 60 Professional Development Units (PDUs) within your three-year recertification cycle, you may have your certification suspended. After successfully passed the test, you may wholly focus on your projects and other deadlines, and the need to earn PDUs is put to the back of your mind or even forgotten altogether. This article will guide you through a six-part course of action in order to earn PDUs in the easiest way.

1. Rules checking.

Learning the rules for earning the required PDUs is the very first step to take. The action serves many important purposes, like keeping your plan consistent, maintaining a clear path, preparing you to respond to any risks, whether they are positive or negative. The best way to learn the rules for earning and claiming PDUs is to read the Continuing Certification Requirements (CCR) section of the Project Management Professional (PMP)®

2. CCR System checking.

The way PMI® writes on their website about this: "In order to satisfy the Continuing Certification Requirements (CCR) Program and maintain an active credential status individuals who have attained the PMP® and/or Program Management Professional credential(s) must accrue and report a minimum of 60 professional development units (PDUs) during each CCR cycle, which is typically 3 years, complete an Application for Certification Renewal and payment of the renewal fee, and reaffirm PMI’s Code of Professional Conduct."

3. Planning.

The goal of this step is to make a plan of how many PDUs you would like to earn from each category. To be honest, you do not have to earn PDUs in all six categories, and you could simply earn all of your PDUs in the Education category. Also, as you plan your PDUs, you will see that working as a professional in project management will earn you 15 “free” PDUs, which means you could earn up 60 PDUs for just doing your job. After that, you have to deal with only 45 PDUs in the five other categories.

IMT-PM provides 60 PDU Bundle will help you earn 60 PDUs to renew your PMP®/PgMP®/PMI-ACP®/PMI-RMP® certificate. The convenience of studying anywhere at any time, at your own pace is an advantage. As soon as you complete any single course, you can claim PDUs immediately. No extra charge. No test. No exam. Certificate available. We have everything you need in one package. Register now to receive a 70% discount.

Find out more at:

IMT-PM - Global PMI R.E.P. #4760 offers various courses for PMP® Exam Preparation and PMP®/PgMP®/PfMP®/PMI-PBA®/PMI-ACP®/PMI-RMP®/PMI-SP® Renewal.
Our best sellers are:

  1. 60 PDU Bundle
  2. 50 PDU Bundle:
  3. 40 PDU Bundle:
  4. 30 PDU to renew PMI-ACP®®-88
  5. PMP Exam Preparation 35 PDU:®-exam-preparation-38
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