Start Earning PDUs Within Six Steps. (Part 2)

4. Searching for course providers.

Once your plan for earning PDUs has completed, you need to find PDU providers that will best fit your lifestyle. On the market, many providers that offer courses and training in various formats can be found. You can attend online webinars, courses, and training to slowly fill the rest of PDUs. In case you prefer to get involved with your local PMI® community, volunteering as a board member for your local PMI® the best choice. As you can see, there are various ways to earn PDUs, and you may find many of which fit your lifestyle.

5. Start acting.

Now that you know the rules, you are also familiar with the online CCR System. The plan for earning your PDUs is well conducted, and have found providers that fit your lifestyle, what you need to do is to take action. Once you finish choosing a provider, you may start earning at any time with them, all you need to do is attend your selected training event and claimed the rest amount of PDUs.

6. Claim your easiest and earliest PDUs. 

Once you have attended a webinar, completed training, or maybe attended a PMI® Chapter dinner meeting and have earned PDUs. Now, this PDU information must be provided to the online CCR System on the website. You also need to have all of the information on the certificate you receive after each training event. Immediately inputting your PDUs will both remind you of the number of PDUs you have earned and how many you still need to earn. 

If you are not all that interested in following these six steps, completing at least the first step is advisable, since knowing and understanding the rules is, undoubtedly one of the most important parts in the whole process of renewing your certificate. 

IMT-PM provides 50 PDU Bundle will help you earn 50 PDUs to renew your PMP®/PgMP®/PMI-ACP®/PMI-RMP® certificate. The convenience of studying anywhere at any time, at your own pace is an advantage. As soon as you complete any single course, you can claim PDUs immediately. No extra charge. No test. No exam. Certificate available. We have everything you need in one package. Register now to receive a 75% discount.

IMT-PM - Global PMI R.E.P. #4760 offers various courses for PMP® Exam Preparation and PMP®/PgMP®/PfMP®/PMI-PBA®/PMI-ACP®/PMI-RMP®/PMI-SP® Renewal.
Our best sellers are:

  1. 60 PDU Bundle
  2. 50 PDU Bundle:
  3. 40 PDU Bundle:
  4. PMP Exam Preparation 35 PDU:®-exam-preparation-38
  5. PMP Exam Simulator:®-exam-simulator-full-40
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