What to do to earn 60 PDUs easily - PMP® Renewal

Once a certified PMP®, you need to earn 60 PDUs throughout 3 years to maintain your certification. There are some points to keep in mind to ensure a smooth process of certification renewal.

• Start early. You can start by deciding your schedule to earn PDUs so that you don’t freak out to complete 60 PDUs.

• Document all earned PDUs. You should make documentation of your complete PDUs to stay away from future nuisance because there may be an audit for validation just like contact hours. Documents can be your study notes, meeting minutes or notes from discussion anything to validate your presence during the activities.

• Report PDUs right away. After completing your PDUs activities, you should report PDUs immediately on CCRS to avoid forgetting any activities or their details as time passes by.

• Transfer excess PDUs to the next cycle. You can transfer up to 20 PDUs to the following cycle to save time and effort for your recertification process. That is to say, hard work pays off.

• Save the registered program number. You need to report the number of R.E.P classes on CCRS for validation. So, you should keep the register program number for the classes you enroll in.

• Earn PDUs according to the PMI Talent Triangle®. The earned PDUs will be classified into 3 categories: Technical Project Management, Leadership and Strategic and Business Management. So, you should keep track of how many PDUs you have earned and how many more to earn each category.

IMT-PM provides 60 PDU Bundle will help you earn 60 PDUs to renew your PMP®/PgMP®/PMI-ACP®/PMI-RMP® certificate. The convenience of studying anywhere at any time, at your own pace is an advantage. As soon as you complete any single course, you can claim PDUs immediately. No extra charge. No test. No exam. Certificate available. We have everything you need in one package. Register now to receive a 70% discount.

Find out more at: https://online.imt-pm.com/course/60-pdus-bundle-70

IMT-PM - Global PMI R.E.P. #4760 offers various courses for PMP® Exam Preparation and PMP®/PgMP®/PfMP®/PMI-PBA®/PMI-ACP®/PMI-RMP®/PMI-SP® Renewal.
Our best sellers are:

  1. 60 PDU Bundlehttps://online.imt-pm.com/course/60-pdus-bundle-70
  2. 50 PDU Bundle: https://online.imt-pm.com/course/50-pdus-bundle-75
  3. 40 PDU Bundle: https://online.imt-pm.com/course/40-pdus-bundle-87
  4. PMP Exam Preparation 35 PDU: https://online.imt-pm.com/course/pmp®-exam-preparation-38
  5. PMP Exam Simulator: https://online.imt-pm.com/course/pmp®-exam-simulator-full-40
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