How To Claim My PDUs?

Learners are required to complete the course before claiming PDUs.

Step 1: Go to PMI® website:

Step 2: Login by your PMI account.

Step 3: Click on “PDUs”, then “Report PDUs”.

Step 4: Click on “I have a claim code”

PDU Claim Code is a 10 digit code. It can be found in the Course Timetable section of the IMT-PM elearning website. 

Step 5: Fill out your PDU Claim Code and click on “Apply”. 

Step 6: “Course or Training” table will be shown. Information of the course will be loaded automatically. You just need to fill out start date (the date you start to learn) and end date (the date on certification of completion).

Scroll down to check the box “I agree this claim is accurate.” and choose “Submit”. The PDUs will be approved by PMI® and added to your renewal cycle automatically.


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